Low calorie sweets developed by a facility for people with disabilities for people with disabilities ``We are Isle Management Co., Ltd., which developed low-carbohydrate gateau chocolate that is gentle on the body. You can feel the passion of the representative, Shizuka Arai, for people with disabilities. For details, please see the link below....
代表の新井 しづかさんの障がい者に対する暑い思いが伝わってきます。

Based on the technology development cultivated in the plastic industry for 30 years, we aim to integrate a new special printing + resin molding technology for manufacturing technology and product development! And are going to aim produce products that contribute to energy conservation society by developing customized products using environmentally technologies including LED and solar power generation and manufacturing technology.
プラスチック業界で30年間培ってきた技術開発をさらにブラッシュアップしシルク特殊印刷+樹脂成形技術のさらなる融合を図りオンリーワンの製造技術と製品開発を目指します! LED、ソーラー発電をはじめ新開発消火ステッカーを初めとした環境に優しい技術を用いたカスタマイズ製品の開発、製造技術を元に安全安心の街づくり、省エネ社会に貢献する製品作りを目指します!

We would like to introduce LifeHappiness Co., Ltd., which has started a new service, ``Independent Health Management Consulting.'' We provide ongoing support for health management, with support for obtaining certification under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's ``Health Management Excellent Corporate System'' and ``Ibaraki Health Management Promotion Business Office'' as a ``first step''. For details, please visit the website using the link below.新サービス「自立伴走型健康経営コンサルティング」事業を新に始めた(株)LifeHappinessのご紹介です。
新商品•新サービス プレスリリース支援事業 公開記者発表会

④Kickboxing Fitness Club T
We would like to introduce you to the website of Mr. Takeshi Akaosugi, the representative of Kickboxing Club T, who has started ``kickboxing classes for active seniors in their 60s and 70s''.With the catchphrase "No pain, no pain, fun!!", we have started a new "Senior Classroom" for active seniors in their 60s and 70s, where they can experience
an exercise program that incorporates kickboxing movements, brain training, etc. Please check the link below for details.
「60代•70代アクティブシニア向けキックボクシング教室」を始められたキックボクシングクラブTの代表赤尾杉 武士様のHPご紹介です。「痛くない、ツラくない、楽しい!!」をキャッチフレーズに60代、70代のアクティブシニア層向け「シニア教室」を新にスタートしキックボクシングの動きを取り入れた運動プログラムや、脳トレなどを体験する事ができます。
詳細は下記Link HPよりご確認下さい。

We are a company located in Matsumoto-cho, Mito City that provides career (employment, business start-up) support for international students and consulting for inbound and overseas business. A new business innovation event will be held for international students from the Mito Romantic Zone! For details, please check the LEIDAS HP from the URL below.
詳細は下記URLよりLEIDAS HPにてご確認下さい。

⑥株式会社 頂
"Weeding Subscription" has been released by ITADAKI Co., Ltd.
Garden maintenance services provided by exterior professionals! !
This is a subscription service that does weeding and maintenance for customers' gardens throughout the year.
We provide regular garden maintenance services at a low monthly price, freeing you from the hassle of garden maintenance.Fixed price, cheap...
For details, please call us using the link below.
「除草のサブスク」が株式会社 頂 から発売されました。

Introducing Shojikiya, the artist who held a ``terrarium workshop using moss and diorama''.
Please visit the website of representative Kaori Komatsu from the link below, with the theme of ``Enjoying a little bit of time for yourself'' where you can spend wonderful time with yourself through moss terrariums.
苔テラリウムを通じて素敵な自分時間が過ごせる「ほんの少しの自分時間を満喫」をテーマに代表の小松 香織さんのHPは下記Linkよりお訪ね下さい。

``Nuriya'', a long-established eel restaurant in Mito, has developed a craft beer that goes well with Japanese food.With the desire to ``make beer that goes well with alcohol and food,'' they built a new brewery with a started serving Japanese food. We have released a new beer that matches. Bottled products are now on sale at the underground food section of Mito Keisei Department Store!For more information, please visit Nuriya-san's website from the link below.However, people under the age of 20 are not allowed to visit lol

We would like to introduce you to Courtyard Dental Clinic, which developed the "Sleeping Princess" mouthpiece to prevent nasolabial folds.
The nasolabial folds are in are the muscle boundaries that everyone has. If you would like to learn more about the nasolabial fold prevention mouthpiece that prevents muscle sagging due to aging, please visit the website of Courtyard Dental Clinic, which develops and sells it, from the link below.